Thursday, October 13, 2005


More aware than ever. Different waves always, for the better. Moving on from Green Empowerment...and just focusing on catching the wave now, and now, and now. :)

"Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work--that goes on, it adds up. It goes into the ground, into crops, into children's bellies, and their bright eyes. Good things don't get lost...the very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope, right in it, under its roof. What I want is so simple I almost can't say: elementary kindness."

-Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Dreams (thanks Anna)


yash said...

Another quote by Barbara Kingsolver, a favorite of mine:

"Want is a thing that unfurls unbidden like fungus, opening large upon itself, stopless, filling the sky. But needs, from one day to the next, are few enough to fit in a bucket, with room enough left to rattle like brittlebush in a dry wind."

Happy journeying...physical and inward. jsk.

dipti vaghela said...

Beautiful, Yash! Thanks :)