Saturday, December 15, 2007

Surja Mukhi

They never face the I direction I want.

Yet, they are boldly beautiful...

...And useful! Surja Mukhi (sun flower) oil and the shells of the sunflower seeds are high in demand.

The shells of the seeds are so valuable that the local vendors send their own truck from town to the village to collect the seeds and return the oil to the village, all free of cost!

The challenge is how to compete with such vendors. Now that the village is electrified, how can the community re-pay a loan on an oil extracter if they don't charge the villagers for extracting? If they do charge, they can't compete with the vendors in town!

One way is to directly sell the shells of the seeds to the wholesale buyer and not charge for the extracting, just as the local vendor does. ...Though that buyers is several hours away and he only buys high quantities. Open to your ideas!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Update from Inside

I'm sorry for not utilizing this blog to its full potential. There just doesn't seem to be enough time or energy to reflect. Yes, just another lame excuse. (I haven't forgotten about the Melghat Mitra update--it will come soon.)

Despite being a bit confused by what I'm seeing here, I've acquired a few key lessons:
a. Intentions don't always count.
b. "Development" is a business if you let it take form.
c. The trick is to be's a really hard trick!

I'm learning the hard way to let go and observe...without intentions.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This week I returned from a second insightful visit to a Domi village in Melghat, Maharastra.

The project involved implementing LED lights. Here is link to some photos from the installation. Next time, I'll post more info on what happened during the installation and the 6 month update.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Typical site visit

I am learning more and more that my I-deals cannot fit this world. I have to let go and let Life take her course. Once I do let go, things become amazingly fun!

For instance, take a recent typical site visit. We had to re-install a solar water pumping system (1200w solar array, surface pump), simply because the initial installation was done over night due to donor deadlines. The village needs the system only 6 months of the year. Since it didn't want to guard the panel during the agriculture season, they took the system apart until the dry weather returned. Hence, the "re-installation".

Of course, since I wasn't around for the first installation, my ideals got an ego boost and started questioning: Why did we do it wrong the first time? Why weren't the people trained enough to do it themselves?

Fortunately, I didn't voice my thoughts in frustration this time. I held my curiousity to observe. I saw that is was not too late for the people to learn. Take Nilambar and the village leader in this photo--completing absorbing the procedure...even though we were still not teaching with the goal for them to sustain.

...And finally our staff did see the need to let the villagers do it themselves.

No matter how many villages I see, I am always in awe of the specific style of work that different communities use. This one was especially appealing because they were so silent, always communicating with gestures and still being efficient.

In silence, a fence was built around the array...yes, we will have to watch out for shade during certain seasons. Still, the fence was built without us telling them to build--yep, that's what my I-deal terms as 'community ownership'.

Things didn't take too long on the second day. We were able to hang out a bit and see what was going on. Behind me, some folks were drying salt that they had traded in for juhar, their local crop.

As we were about to leave, we were pleasantly surprised with fresh coconut.

Philip and Jessica, engineering student volunteers from France, tagged along. ...I think their presence surely helped to keep frustration levels low.

...It is in the youth that the purpose of the work, the bigger picture, comes out. The community now has running water again. No more young girls (some as young as 2 yrs old) and women carrying water by the head to their homes, often contaminated water causing severe disease. Now a water and sanitation system (with household toilets) that can match what's available in the developed world.

On the walk back down the hill, students returning home from school which is 2 km away!!

May Peace prevail...within and without.