Friday, March 19, 2010


I'm not in the US now....but I cannot help thinking about what this weekend means....or at least what I gather from the web in the dawn of New Delhi:

If you are in the US now, if you are an American, if you believe that the US prospers when its masses prosper, then you have to help make the health care vote this weekend happen.

Make it happen for the American people, not for the American insurance companies. The plan may not be perfect, since the Congress is not homogeneous. But the current plan to be voted on is as close as it can get to a compromise that still helps the American people get basic health care and reduce the national deficit. ...You've seen the countless debates over the last year.

Call your local reps...find out who is not for the bill...go on the web and get their emails and office phone numbers. DO WHAT YOU CAN. Go here to see how you can help change history this weekend.

...Obama did not magically become president. It took a movement of the masses to bring him to office. The same movement is needed now. If you are at all an Obama supporter, he needs you now more than ever. You can hear it in his words.

The irony is that this is not about Obama. It's about your neighbor, your family, and YOU.

....The best part about American politics now is that we can TAKE SOME PART. Voice your citizenship. Tell others. PARTICIPATE. Make it happen!

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