Friday, September 11, 2009


i stumble, over and over.
Always running for some finishing line.
Only after the fall, do i look behind and below.
It's been a long road.
of smiles, hope, and hard work.
With each stumble, i can return to the root.
Returning makes me want to push farther,
creating a fear of falling even harder next time.
Again I go back to the root...

Papers, presentations, money,
None of those matters.
People and transformation,
and my acceptance of them,
that's what counts.


Mehul Shah said...

Nice! Inspired me to write my own over lunch ...

I recognize the affliction, the neurosis,
but I don’t know any other way

this constant battle for identity,
the go-getter, the do-gooder,
the conformist, the defiant,
and for its validation,
is all that I’ve ever known

And the search for answers,
Is afflicted with the same

Just one word blasts it all to pieces,
Why ? Why the urgency for change,
but then again, why acceptance ?

both the neurosis and the search for its source,
take me far away from the source,
But I don’t yet know any other way

Mehul Shah said...

Man, a day later, that sounds really dark :)

-rish said...

Be gentle to those who stumble
Especially when it is you
Stumbling, bumbling, tumbling
Returns us to what is true

Questions without answers
Is the philosophers curse
But answers without questions
Is almost always worse.

Viral said...

thank you dipti, for sharing that :-)

and man, have we got some other poets in the house!?

rishy rish -- wow! :-)

Paola said...

There is a beautiful Swahili proverb that say: "to stumble it is just moving a little forward"...