Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Back to Back

…The Bay area friends know that I have a habit of squeezing in too much in one day…alas, it's happened again. I have no regrets when it's only me who is affected…but when I end up taking others, this time mentors like Jos and Walt, in the spiral of attending back to back attention-taking actitivities, I do think twice about doing a similar whirlwind next time.

…Now in Colombo. Only the first day…peaceful now, yet knowing the chaos of the infamous tsunami not too long ago, reminds me that my external business needs to be grounded by inner silence.


Jos said...

Fitting in too many things in one day? I didn't even notice! :-)

Don't worry deedee, you're doing well. And with some divine intervention everything fell nicely into place in the end, didn't it?

yash said...

sitting in my not so comfy chair thousands of miles away, I can only wish you gud luk but _it is_ heartening to read of your journey.

Also, a prayer to get you the strength to face the human side of the devastation post-tsunami.